We won the She Breaks Barriers Program!
Januar 8, 2020
We are very proud to announce that we are one of the three winners of the She Breaks Barriers Program!
She Breaks Barriers is adidas’ commitment to removing the barriers standing between girls and sports.
Thank you Impact Hub, Impact Hub Berlin and adidas for this Chance!
Together with Bike Bridge Stuttgart and Parkour Creation e.V. we won the top 3 prizes and received a €15,000 prize each!!! 2 another teams were picked as the audience award winners: Ballsie and JUNO – eine Stimme für geflüchtete Frauen. Congratulations!
The aim of the program was to support early-stage social start-ups, non-profit organizations, ‘Vereine’ or initiatives that are addressing the barriers of access, gender stereotypes and visibility faced by girls and women in sport.
The 11 selected ventures pitched to a panel and adidas employees at the adidas Herzogenaurach HQ.The winners were chosen based on 7 categories, including feasibility, uniqueness, motivation and progress.
Check shebreaksbarriers.impacthub.net for more Infos about the Project!!
#changemakersunite #girlsinsport #womeninsport #frauensport #girlboss #girlpower #socent #germanverein #adidas #shebreaksbarriers
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